ODHIN Project Documents
- ODHIN Publications - scientific papers and eReaders from the project.
- e-Guidance
- eReaders
- Frontiers in Psychiatry- Special issue: Brief interventions for risky drinkers
- Technical reports and deliverables - Periodic reports, deliverables and milestones reports

ODHIN RCT datasets ( 0 Files )
In this section datasets corresponding to ODHIN's WP5 RCT are available to logged in users.
Two main types of datasets can be found:
- "Providers files", containing variables as to describe the health care providers occupation profile, allocation, primary health care unit environment, SAAPPQ results and SBI performance rates
- "Patients files", containing the data collected by the paper or electronic tally sheets concerning which patients were visited, screened and received BI in each of the RCT's measurement periods.
NHG Standaard Problematisch Alcoholgebruik Derde Herziening
Date added: | 02/27/2015 |
Date modified: | 02/27/2015 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 11632 |
Authors: L. Boomsma, I.M. Drost, I.M. Larsen, J.J.H.M. Luijkx, G.J. Meerkerk, N. Valken, M.M. Verduijn, J. Burgers, G. van der Weele, M. Sijbom.
Published in December 2014, Huisarts & Wetenschap