ODHIN publications

ODHIN e-guidance ( 2 Files )
e-Guidance for the future of Identification and Brief Intervention (IBI) programmes based on the findings of the ODHIN project.
- e-Guidance for commissioners and funders of primary health care
- e-Guidance for primary health care providers

ODHIN eReaders ( 2 Files )
As part of the dissemination strategy of the ODHIN project and as a way to make more visible some of the results of the project some e-Readers will be published and available in this section.

Frontiers in Psychiatry - special issue ( 9 Files )
The journal Frontiers in Psychiatry is publishing a special issue on the research topic Brief interventions for risky drinkers with results arisen from the research performed by the ODHIN partners in collaboration with with two other EU funded collaborative research projects closely related to ODHIN: BISTAIRS and EWA.
The papers already published can be found in this two sections:
Other publication on Brief interventions for risky drinkers
Strategies in primary healthcare to implement early identification of risky alcohol consumption...
Date added: | 06/14/2016 |
Date modified: | 06/14/2016 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 4396 |
Full title: Strategies in primary healthcare to implement early identification of risky alcohol consumption: why do they work or not? A qualitative evaluation of the ODHIN study
Authors: M. Keurhorst, M. Heinen, J. Colom, C. Linderoth, U. Müssener, K Okulicz-Kozaryn, J. Palacio-Vieira, L. Segura, F. Silfversparre, L. Slodownik, E. Sorribes, M. Laurant, M. Wensing
Published in June 2016 by BMC Family Practice
Implementation strategies to enhance management of heavy alcohol consumption in primary health care
Date added: | 06/14/2016 |
Date modified: | 06/14/2016 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 4427 |
Full title: Implementation strategies to enhance management of heavy alcohol consumption in primary health care: a meta-analysis.
Authors: Myrna Keurhorst, Irene van de Glind, Michaela Bitarello do Amaral-Sabadini, Peter Anderson, Eileen Kaner, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Jozé Braspenning, Michel Wensing, Maud Heinen and Miranda Laurant
Published in December 2015 by Addiction
Cost-effectiveness of a programme of screening ...
Date added: | 09/17/2014 |
Date modified: | 09/22/2014 |
Filesize: | 379.1 kB |
Downloads: | 4456 |
Full Title: Cost-effectiveness of a programme of screening and brief interventions for alcohol in primary care in Italy
Authors: Colin Angus, Emanuele Scafato, Silvia Ghirini, Aleksandra Torbica, Francesca Ferre, Pierluigi Struzzo, Robin Purshouse and Alan Brennan
This study provides strong support for the promotion of a policy of screening and brief interventions throughout Italy, although policy makers should be aware of the resource implications of different implementation options.
The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at:
Alcohol in primary health care: experiences and attitudes of Czech general practitioners
Date added: | 06/14/2016 |
Date modified: | 06/14/2016 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 4619 |
Full title: Alkohol v primární zdravotní péči: zkušenosti, názory a postoje českých praktických lékařů. [Alcohol in primary health care: experiences and attitudes of Czech general practitioners]
Authors: Csémy L., Sovinová H.
Published in 2015 by Praktický lékař
The ODHIN assessment tool ....
Date added: | 09/29/2014 |
Date modified: | 09/29/2014 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Downloads: | 4629 |
Full title: The ODHIN assessment tool: a tool to describe the available services for the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption at the country and regional level.
Authors: Emanuele Scafato, Claudia Gandin, Miranda Laurant, Myrna Keurhorst, Marko Kolsek, Antoni Gual, Silvia Matrai, Jillian Reynolds, Joan Colom, Lidia Segura, Eileen Kaner, Dorothy Newbury Birch, Peter Anderson, Fredrik Spak, Preben Bendtsen, Hana Sovinova, Pierluigi Struzzo, Brzozka Krzysztof, Cristina Ribeiro, Van Schayck Onno, Gaby Ronda, Colin Drummond, Artur Mierzecki.
The ODHIN assessment tool: a tool to describe the available services for the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption at the country and regional level.