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Related Alcohol Research Documents


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Brief alcohol intervention by newly trained workers versus leaflets Brief alcohol intervention by newly trained workers versus leaflets

Date added: 07/11/2012
Date modified: 07/11/2012
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4382

Author: Hansen AB, Becker U, Nielsen AS, Grønbaek M, Tolstrup JS.

This article aims at testing if a brief motivational intervention (BMI) in a non-treatment seeking population of heavy drinkers results in a reduced alcohol intake.

Impact Factor Distortions Impact Factor Distortions

Date added: 05/27/2013
Date modified: 05/27/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4462

Author: Bruce Alberts (Science)

Science's editorial, against the use of the journal impact factor in judging the individual scientist's work.

Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking... Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking...

Date added: 07/11/2012
Date modified: 04/02/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4473

Authors: Dermen KH and Thomas SN

Full title: Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking and risky sex

The present study tested the proposition that an intervention to reduce alcohol use among college students will also reduce their risky sexual behavior.

The Impact of Brief Alcohol Interventions in Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews The Impact of Brief Alcohol Interventions in Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews

Date added: 01/20/2014
Date modified: 01/20/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4537


Authors: Amy O'Donnell, Peter Anderson, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Bernd Schulte, Christiane Schmidt, Jens Reimer and Eileen Kaner

As part of BISTAIRS, the aim of the study was to assess the cumulative evidence on the effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare in order to highlight key knowledge gaps for further research.

Brief interventions for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards Brief interventions for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards

Date added: 07/10/2012
Date modified: 07/10/2012
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4548

Authors: McQueen J, Howe TE, Allan L, Mains D, Hardy V.

The objective of this article is to determine whether brief interventions reduce alcohol consumption and improve outcomes for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital inpatient units. The main results of this review indicate that there are benefits to delivering brief interventions to heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards in terms of reduction in alcohol consumption and death rates.