Related Alcohol Research Documents
Alcohol, work and productivity
Date added: | 06/25/2012 |
Date modified: | 06/25/2012 |
Filesize: | 1.21 MB |
Downloads: | 3361 |
Author: Science Group of the European Alcohol and Health Forum
Globally, alcohol is the world’s number one risk factor for ill-health and premature death amongst the 25-59 year old age group, the core of the working age population. It is unsurprising, therefore that lost productivity costs feature as the dominant element in social costs studies arising from the harm done by alcohol (contributing to one half or more of the total social costs). There are positive opportunities afforded through work to address problems due to harmful drinking even if they may not obviously impact on productivity. Those in full-time employment – usually about two-thirds of the population of working age - spend about one-third to one half of their waking lives at work and are open to health and wellbeing influences far more frequently than in, for example, conventional healthcare settings.
Global Burden of Disease Study 2010
Date added: | 12/17/2012 |
Date modified: | 12/17/2012 |
Filesize: | 795.03 kB |
Downloads: | 3358 |
Author: The Lancet
The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010) is the largest ever systematic effort to describe the global distribution and causes of a wide array of major diseases, injuries, and health risk factors. It consists of seven articles, each containing a wealth of data on different aspects of the study.
According to this study, in 2010, alcohol was the world’s third most important risk factor for disability adjusted life years (a composite measure of years lived with disability and years of life lost due to premature death), after high blood pressure and tobacco smoking, and up from 6th place in 1990.
Check here the complete list of articles of GBD 2010.
Assesment tool - PHEPA
Date added: | 06/27/2012 |
Date modified: | 06/27/2012 |
Filesize: | 454.42 kB |
Downloads: | 3320 |
Author: Primary Health Care European Project on Alcohol (PHEPA)
In the Framework of the Phepa Project (Primary Health Care European Project on Alcohol) was developed an assessment tool to describe the available services for the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption on the primary health sector and its mapping across the Phepa countries. The aim of this process was to identify the available infrastructures and also the deficiencies or areas that need further work and strengthening, both at the country and at the European level.
WHO Statement of Concern
Date added: | 02/18/2013 |
Date modified: | 02/19/2013 |
Filesize: | 172.36 kB |
Downloads: | 3219 |
Full title: Statement of Concern - The international public health community responds to the global alcohol producers' attempts to implement the WHO global strategy on the harmful use of alcohol
On October 8th 2012, thirteen of world’s largest alcohol producers issued a set of commitments to reduce the harmful use of alcohol worldwide, ostensibly in support of the World Health Organization’s 2010 Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol.
The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA), as an independent coalition of public health professionals, health scientists and NGO representatives, was submitted this public Statement of Concern to the WHO Secretariat in response to the activities of the global alcohol producers. Discussions on industry involvement at the AMPHORA project final conference have contributed to this document.
A Quiet Revolution: Drug Decriminalisation Policies in Practice Across the Globe
Date added: | 12/19/2012 |
Date modified: | 12/19/2012 |
Filesize: | 1.77 MB |
Downloads: | 3216 |
Authors: Ari Rosmarin and Niamh Eastwood (Release)
'A Quiet Revolution: Drug Decriminalisation Policies in Practice Across the Globe' is the first report to support Release's campaign 'Drugs - It’s Time for Better Laws'. This report looks at over 20 countries that have adopted some form of decriminalisation of drug possession, including some States that have only decriminalised cannabis possession. The main aim of the report was to look at the existing research to establish whether the adoption of a decriminalised policy led to significant increases in drug use - the simple answer is that it did not.
More information about the campaign can be accessed at: