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Related Alcohol Research Documents


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Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking... Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking...

Date added: 07/11/2012
Date modified: 04/02/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4473

Authors: Dermen KH and Thomas SN

Full title: Randomized controlled trial of brief interventions to reduce college students' drinking and risky sex

The present study tested the proposition that an intervention to reduce alcohol use among college students will also reduce their risky sexual behavior.

Randomized controlled trial of web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care Randomized controlled trial of web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary care

Date added: 07/11/2012
Date modified: 07/11/2012
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4136

Authors: Kypri K, Langley JD, Saunders JB, Cashell-Smith ML, Herbison P.

There is compelling evidence supporting screening and brief intervention (SBI) for hazardous drinking, yet it remains underused in primary health care. Electronic (computer or Web-based) SBI (e-SBI) offers the prospects of ease and economy of access. We sought to determine whether e-SBI reduces hazardous drinking.

Status Report on Alcohol and Health in 35 European Countries 2013 Status Report on Alcohol and Health in 35 European Countries 2013

Date added: 06/17/2013
Date modified: 06/17/2013
Filesize: 7.43 MB
Downloads: 4726

Author: WHO - Regional Office for Europe

People in the WHO European Region consume the most alcohol per head in the world. In the European Union (EU), alcohol accounts for about 120 000 premature deaths per year: 1 in 7 in men and 1 in 13 in women.

Most countries in the Region have adopted policies, strategies and plans to reduce alcohol-related harm. In 2012, the WHO Regional Office for Europe collected information on alcohol consumption and related harm, and countries policy responses to contribute to the Global Information System for Alcohol and Health; this report presented a selection of the results for 35 countries – EU Member States and candidate countries, Norway and Switzerland – individually and in groups distinguished by their drinking patterns and traditions.

The European health report 2012 The European health report 2012

Date added: 03/18/2013
Date modified: 03/18/2013
Filesize: 11.49 MB
Downloads: 3193

Author: WHO Regional Office for Europe

While the overall level of health across the WHO European Region has clearly improved, European health statistics show inequities within and between countries, according to the European health report 2012. The report is WHO/Europe’s flagship publication, issued every three years.

The report covers the Region’s 53 countries and nearly 900 million people, revealing that people are living longer and healthier lives. Life expectancy is rising across the Region, increasing by 5 years since 1980 to reach 76 years in 2010.

The Impact of Brief Alcohol Interventions in Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews The Impact of Brief Alcohol Interventions in Primary Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Reviews

Date added: 01/20/2014
Date modified: 01/20/2014
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4537


Authors: Amy O'Donnell, Peter Anderson, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Bernd Schulte, Christiane Schmidt, Jens Reimer and Eileen Kaner

As part of BISTAIRS, the aim of the study was to assess the cumulative evidence on the effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions in primary healthcare in order to highlight key knowledge gaps for further research.