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Related Alcohol Research Documents


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Brief interventions for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards Brief interventions for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards

Date added: 07/10/2012
Date modified: 07/10/2012
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4404

Authors: McQueen J, Howe TE, Allan L, Mains D, Hardy V.

The objective of this article is to determine whether brief interventions reduce alcohol consumption and improve outcomes for heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital inpatient units. The main results of this review indicate that there are benefits to delivering brief interventions to heavy alcohol users admitted to general hospital wards in terms of reduction in alcohol consumption and death rates.

Brief alcohol intervention by newly trained workers versus leaflets Brief alcohol intervention by newly trained workers versus leaflets

Date added: 07/11/2012
Date modified: 07/11/2012
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 4227

Author: Hansen AB, Becker U, Nielsen AS, Grønbaek M, Tolstrup JS.

This article aims at testing if a brief motivational intervention (BMI) in a non-treatment seeking population of heavy drinkers results in a reduced alcohol intake.

Assesment tool - PHEPA Assesment tool - PHEPA

Date added: 06/27/2012
Date modified: 06/27/2012
Filesize: 454.42 kB
Downloads: 3179

Author: Primary Health Care European Project on Alcohol (PHEPA)

In the Framework of the Phepa Project (Primary Health Care European Project on Alcohol) was developed an assessment tool to describe the available services for the management of hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption on the primary health sector and its mapping across the Phepa countries. The aim of this process was to identify the available infrastructures and also the deficiencies or areas that need further work and strengthening, both at the country and at the European level.

An ex ante assessment of the economic impacts of the EU alcohol policies An ex ante assessment of the economic impacts of the EU alcohol policies

Date added: 07/25/2012
Date modified: 04/02/2013
Filesize: Unknown
Downloads: 7618

Authors: Edwin Horlings and Amanda Scoggins (RAND Europe)

The European Commission, Directorate-General Health and Consumer Protection (DG SANCO) has asked RAND Europe to contribute to the Commission’s impact assessment of a proposed Communication on alcohol policy. This Communication presents a comprehensive approach to combat the harmful effects of alcohol use in the European Union. RAND Europe has focused exclusively on the economic impacts of DG SANCO’s options.
This report first examines the nature and extent of the problem posed by alcohol use in Europe, which provides the rationale and focus for the associated policy initiative. Next, it developes a conceptual approach that discusses how alcohol use is linked to macroeconomic development. This approach is then used to examine the future impacts of a successful alcohol policy on a number of macroeconomic aspects.

Alcohol, work and productivity Alcohol, work and productivity

Date added: 06/25/2012
Date modified: 06/25/2012
Filesize: 1.21 MB
Downloads: 3192

Author: Science Group of the European Alcohol and Health Forum

Globally, alcohol is the world’s number one risk factor for ill-health and premature death amongst the 25-59 year old age group, the core of the working age population. It is unsurprising, therefore that lost productivity costs feature as the dominant element in social costs studies arising from the harm done by alcohol (contributing to one half or more of the total social costs). There are positive opportunities afforded through work to address problems due to harmful drinking even if they may not obviously impact on productivity. Those in full-time employment – usually about two-thirds of the population of working age - spend about one-third to one half of their waking lives at work and are open to health and wellbeing influences far more frequently than in, for example, conventional healthcare settings.