Details for General practice approaches to alcohol consumption...
Property | Value |
Name: | General practice approaches to alcohol consumption... |
Description: | Full title: A medicina geral e familiar e a abordagem do consumo de álcool. Detecçao e intervençoes breves no âmbito dos cuidados de saúde primários (General practice approaches to alcohol consumption. Screening and brief interventions in primary health care settings) Authors: Ribeiro General practice approaches to alcohol consumption. Screening and brief interventions in primary health care settings. Published in December 2011, Acta Médica Portuguesa (Revista da Ordem dos Médicos) |
Filename: | Link to 6822 |
Filesize: | Unknown |
Filetype: | pt/handle/10451/6822 (Mime Type: link) |
Creator: | goretti |
Created On: | 09/22/2014 14:25 |
Viewers: | Everybody |
Maintained by: | goretti |
Hits: | 4835 Hits |
Last updated on: | 06/14/2016 11:12 |
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